10 Great Places Around The Globe To Own Property
6) New York, New York
So, you want to play with the big boys? Well, here it is. With one of the most expensive skylines in the world, New York City is an investment utopia—if you can afford it. New York City offers virtually any kind of real estate investment you can think of. Cost is going to be the downside, however, if you can get your money in with a pool of investors you are likely to do well, as this market caters to many who don’t see as big a hit in a bad market—the ultra-wealthy. Stability, growth and the strength as one of the world’s top tourist locations gives you a bigger bang for your buck, as well as security. Unlike many areas on this list there is an ever growing list of properties available for investment, and as growth continues it only seems as if rentals and property values increase. Whether you want to invest commercially, in rentals or buy a property to sit on for several years before selling, New York City is a great real estate investment.