10 Hugest Inventions Since the Year 2000
5) E-Readers
When J.K. Rowling first published the Harry Potter series in the 1990’s, an entire generation of readers that had once been declining was now hooked on reading. What J.K. Rowling did for bringing the next generation to reading in many ways led to the popularity of e-readers.
The two top-dogs in the book industry, Barnes and Noble and Amazon were the biggest influence with their respective Nook and Kindle e-readers. Since the inception of e-readers, the Kindle and its various models has seemingly taken over the market. The question many people ask, is how long until physical books are a thing of the past and more a collector’s item, than something you read.
While we aren’t to this point yet, there is no doubting that the influence of e-readers, with the capability to store thousands of books in one easy-to-carry device, is changing the publishing industry with respect to newspapers, magazines, and books.