10 Reasons Retirees End Up Going Back To Work
7) Wanting to Try a New Job
If you’ve planned well for retirement, you may find that you have enough money to support yourself, but also a lot of free time and the opportunity to try something new that you’ve always been interested in. When people first set off for a career, financial considerations often play a significant role. After you’ve already worked for money, you may realize that there are many jobs out there which pique your interests, even if they would not be feasible options for a primary source of income throughout most of life. There is such a wide variety of options out there, and when you don’t have to worry so much about money, you can focus on taking advantage of the ones which may be most satisfying. Additionally, your interests may change as you age, so adopting to a new line of work can allow you to explore interests which you developed later in life.