10 U.S. States Where the Most Residents Are Moving Out!
2) New Jersey
The Garden State previously held the number one spot for 5 years in a row until Illinois swiped the crown. Although no longer number one, New Jersey finishes a close second with 63% of moves in this state being outbound. This is not a new trend. Between 2005 to 2014 New Jersey lost over 2 million people. Why are folks fleeing New Jersey at such a high rate? Even though it’s got a lot going for it in terms of beaches and the education system, the cost of living is sky high compared to other nearby states like Vermont and Pennsylvania. Retirees hoping to stretch their nest egg make up the majority of people leaving the state. Many prefer to move out of the chilly northeast area and into a warmer state like Florida which boasts lower cost of housing and living in general (depending on city selection, of course).