10 U.S. States Where the Most Residents Are Moving Out!
3) New York
New York is another northeastern state that’s experiencing a high volume of residents packing up and moving out. One cause is the ever-rising cost of living, high property prices, and relentless winters. One of the biggest factors, however, is probably due to New York state having the highest amount of taxes paid as a percentage of income in the nation. At 12.7%, residents are having to part with a big chunk of their hard-earned change. Since 2010, New York has lost more than 1 million people, the majority of which reported the decision was related to job and lifestyle. For some, finding a new job in a different city is worth the massive amount of money saved by vacating this pricy state. Leaving a state like New York isn’t easy. Former-residents leave behind the world-famous New York City, Long Island’s beaches and Niagara Falls – just to name a few.