10 U.S. States Where the Most Residents Are Moving Out!
6) Massachusetts
Following closely behind Kansas with 56% of moves being out of the state, Massachusetts is another northeast state that people are losing interest in quickly. Massachusetts has recently been praised for its technology, innovation, and excellent education system, so why have residents been leaving the state in droves of tens of thousands over the last few years? For starters, the cost of housing is high in the Greater Boston area. This city is a job hub, but many are forced to live farther away from work in order to afford a home. This makes for a longer commute, perhaps adding to folks’ disgruntledness. Massachusetts also hits residents hard in taxes, taking over 10% of earned income. The state has been trying to rectify the situation by building affordable housing units in Boston neighborhoods. While this has helped, there are complaints that the city suburbs have been largely ignored.