10 US States Where You Pay the Least Taxes

wyoming 730x350

2) Wyoming

Wyoming has no income tax like Alaska but does have a tax on sales. Sales tax in Wyoming is typically 4.0% but can go as high as 6.0% depending on the area. Compared to the national average of 5.95%, Wyoming has a low sales tax. Also if you are looking for a good price on beer, head to Wyoming since it has the nation’s lowest beer tax. Property tax in Wyoming is the 9th lowest with a rate of .62%. Businesses also benefit greatly from moving to Wyoming. With the lack of corporate state income tax, personal state income tax, and inventory tax, Wyoming provides a lot of benefits. Whether you are concerned about personal taxes or business related taxes, Wyoming is the place to go.

Income Tax: None
Sales Tax: Ranges from 4.0% to 6.0%
Property Tax: .62%

