10 Wealthiest Neighborhoods in Washington
By Amanda Weiss
When deciding where to live, expected wealth may be an important factor to consider. It is true that hard work and experience can affect how much you will earn. But location also plays a role, even within a single state. So, if earning big is a priority for you, considering probable incomes will help you make significant decisions. In Washington state, there are many wealthy neighborhoods that offer resources and pleasant lifestyles. Therefore, if West Coast life is for you, you can find the perfect home. According to United States Census Bureau information, here are the 10 wealthiest neighborhoods in Washington by per capita income.
1) Hunts Point
Hunts Point is a great place for people who want to be close to, but not directly in, Seattle. This suburb is a bit small by population, having only 461 residents, according to Niche. Real estate values are high, with both median home value and rent being above the national average. However, based on how much you will probably earn, affording that housing is not out of the question. If you settle here, you can expect a per capita income of $153,512. Furthermore, Niche reports that 84% of residents own, rather than rent, their homes. Hunts Point is home to well-educated people, over 71% of whom have a bachelor’s degree, according to City-Data. The unemployment rate is also lower here than in Washington state overall, also reported by City-Data. Additionally, Niche gives Hunts Point A ratings in categories including nightlife, outdoor activities, and commute.