10 Wealthiest Neighborhoods in New York
8) Oyster Bay Cove, New York
Oyster Bay Cove is another neighborhood found in the village of Oyster Bay in Nassau County within Long Island, New York. Residents make a median income $103,203 per year, and the moderate population is approximately 2,200 people according to the 2010 census. There are at least 725 homes in Oyster Bay Cove, and approximately 633 of those homes are inhabited by families. The poverty line in Oyster Bay Cove is very low, and the neighborhood’s proximity to downtown New York City allows for much financial opportunity and growth. Oyster Bay, as a whole, is a family-oriented village and claims iconic movie settings including the home of Jack and Dina, played by Robert DeNiro and Blythe Danner, in the comedy directed by Jay Roach known as Meet the Parents. Other popular television and movie homes in Oyster Bay include that of Phil Leotardo’s hideout and demise in The Sopranos.