10 Wealthiest Neighborhoods in Ohio
2) Moreland Hills, Ohio
Moreland Hills is another suburban village located in Cuyahoga County and has a median per capita income of $72,001. There are roughly 3,298 citizens living in Moreland Hills, which account for 1,286 households. It is the 9th wealthiest community in Ohio and contains little cultural diversi-ty with approximately 3.7% of residents being of African American descent, less than 0.1% with a Native American background, and 89.6% of citizens with a predominantly white/caucasian racial makeup. Around 5.6% of households are run by a single female while 71.6% are lived in by mar-ried couples. Overall, Moreland Hills is a safe community with very low poverty and unemploy-ment rates. Some notable individuals to come from Moreland Hills include Olympic swimmer Di-ana Munz and former United States President James A. Garfield.