11 Cheapest Places to Live in Canada

9) Kingston

Kingston, near Lake Ontario, is a city of over 123,000 people. The cost of living here, compared to New York City’s base 100, is 68.66. The median income in this city is slightly lower than that of Ontario overall. Kingston’s economy is based around establishments including health care, education, and government, as well as tourism. As such, it is centered around the people themselves. A little over half of the residents live with their spouse or common-law partner, and 67% of families in Kingston include married couples. The city has been highly ranked in terms of being a great place for young professionals to live. Additionally, there are attractions for people of all ages, including museums, natural scenery, and galleries. The residents of Kingston are well-educated, as the per capita rate for holding a PhD is higher here than in any other Canadian city.

