11 Cheapest Places to Rent in the United States

4) Fayetteville, North Carolina

The median rental cost of a one-bedroom in Fayetteville was $585 and a two-bedroom was $697. A single-family residence was the best deal at $900 per month. Fayetteville is 90 miles from Raleigh-Durham and has a cost of living lower than the national average. The unemployment rate is higher than the national average, as is the average commute time. There is a considerable military presence here since both Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base are nearby. In fact, in 2008, the city and Cumberland County declared that they were “Sanctuaries for Soldiers,” meaning they go out of their way to provide services for members and their families. Unfortunately, large-scale entertainment options are lacking. The Department of Defense, school system, and health care system are the biggest employers. It has won the All-America City Award three times.

