11 Gadgets That Save You Money
3) Vacuum Sealer
Americans throw out $165 billion dollars’ worth of food every year, much of it from just going bad in the refrigerator or freezer. Throwing all that food away can really make the family budget weep. Steak that has freezer burn and that great deal on pork chops wasn’t so great after all when half of it has gone bad. Dry goods like beans and grains also aren’t immune to spoilage. If they don’t go stale, eventually those nasty little weevils will find their way inside.
Vacuum sealers are a great way to keep food from going bad as they can be stored for an extended period of time. They can extend the freezer and pantry life of many, many products. It can also help save money by allowing a household to stock up on meats, or other sealable foods that may be on sale, by freezing them and knowing they will be kept fresh for months on end. It is also a good way to stockpile for emergencies, such as when the weather makes a trip to the store impossible.