11 Ways To Start Saving Money Right Now!
3) Review Your Credit Cards
It’s normal to have more than one credit card. You’ve probably got two or three stashed in your wallet somewhere. Credit cards are easy to apply for and use, but are you using a card that matches your spending habits? Some cards have annual fees that aren’t worth it if you don’t use your card that often. Others may have cash back benefits, but with a low percentage. If you’re someone who uses your credit card frequently, signing up for a card with the highest cash back percentage is definitely the most beneficial. Even an increase of an extra 1% cash back on purchases will add up over a year. Make sure your credit card is working as hard as you are to save money. The Wells Fargo Cash Wise Visa Card and the Capital One Quiksilver Card both have great sign-up bonuses and fair cashback percentages on all purchases.