11 Worst Professions for Jobs in the Future
9) Metal and Plastic Machine Operator
It’s remarkable how many items we use in our daily lives have metal and plastic parts. We usually don’t consider the people make them. Metal and plastic machine operating is a job option which does not have great prospects currently. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary is over $34,000. You only need a high school education for this job. However, the demand for such workers faces a sharp decline. In fact, Kiplinger estimates that between 2016 and 2026, the number of metal and plastic machine operators will fall by more than 10%. This is because technological advancements make for better machinery. And the more efficient the machines, the fewer the number of people needed to operate them. If you plan to be a machine operator, you should learn to use computer-controlled machines. These have more use in modern production.