12 Things Real Estate Agents Would Hate You to Know

7) Some Agents May Oversell your House

When you’re shopping around for real estate agents, one of the first things you’ll probably ask is what price the agent will list your house at. It’s tempting to sign with a real estate agent who tells you the highest listing price, but this isn’t always the best way to go. For example, let’s say that you’ve appraised the market and decided that your house is worth around $250,00. Three agents agree with you and say they’ll list your house for $250,000, but one agent tells you they’ll list it for $300,000. Your first instinct will probably be to go with the agent who will list your place for $300,000. This is called “buying your listing.” If you go with an agent who prices your house too high, you’ll have a much harder time selling it.

