9 Grocery Shopping Hacks to Add Thousands To Your Retirement
9) Do It Yourself
It’s tempting to buy pre-cut carrots or cut up pineapple. It saves you a lot of work, time, and a little mess. But when you buy things that have been sliced and diced already, you’re essentially paying for a service that you can easily do yourself. Yes, packages of pre-sliced apples are great for kid’s lunches. Save money, buy a bushel of apples, and do it yourself. Taking a knife to a watermelon seems like a pain. While it is easier to buy it sliced, remember this is a ploy to get you to spend more money. Instead, buy the prickly pineapple whole and prepare it at home. Those few minutes saves few dollars every time. Plus, food that’s already but cut will go bad sooner if you don’t use it right away. If you buy something whole, it will keep in the fridge longer.