9 Mistakes People Make Trying To Get Out of Debt!
8) Worrying Too Much About Your Credit Score
Some people seem obsess about monitoring their credit. With today’s technology, it’s easier than ever to keep track. Experts advise, don’t obsess about it. Your credit score usually only matters when you’re trying to borrow money; which you are not if you’re looking to eliminate debt! Paying debt down, and having a low debt to credit ratio, will improve your credit score on its own. Paying your bills on time also matters when it comes to your score. When creating a plan to get out of debt, you should focus on the total amount of your debt. It’s okay to have credit cards with a zero balance. This will not cause your score to drop. As you eliminate your debt, and your score rises, you’ll be putting yourself in a position for low interest rates down the road if you do need to borrow again for something unexpected.