9 Things You Should Never Do To Your Car
6) Ease your new car into its first 1000 miles, you speed demon
So, you just bought your first brand new car and you can’t wait to take it for a spin—literally. Maybe you want to see how fast you can ride a corner, or go from 0-60. Well, you may want to hold back there a bit. The first miles on your car are some of the most crucial, certainly within the first 1000 miles. Look at your car as a world-class runner or sprinter. That runner is not going to start working out at race speed. In fact, they are likely never to run race speed while practicing or warming up. It would cause them to pull, rip and tear muscles. Your car acts in the same way. It needs time to settle in and warm up. All those gears and devices in your fancy car need time to work together and co-habitate. If you are dodging semis in order to pass someone on the road, slamming on your brakes or hitting those tight corners, all you’re doing is taking the life out of your car and setting yourself up for some serious maintenance costs later.