9 Unusual Ways to Save Money on Monthly Groceries
6) Buy in Bulk – Online
You already know that buying bulk is cheaper than buying smaller amounts multiple times. Many companies now have this concept down to a science, too. Zaycon Fresh is one of them. This company delivers farm fresh meat products to your home at a fraction of the cost you’d pay at the store. For example, a 40-pound case of boneless chicken breast costs $75 or $1.89/pound – 50% less than your local grocer. Yes, it’s a lot of chicken, but it’s affordable quality that’s worth clearing out your freezer for. Amazon Grocery is another website that offers bulk buying, saving shoppers big chunks of change every time they shop. It breaks down the price per pound for customers so it’s easy to compare to grocery store prices. Amazon shares weekly coupons with members which can be used for additional savings. The cherry on top? Shipping is free on purchases over $25.