9 Ways to Make Your Job Less Miserable
5) Bring a little bit of what makes you you, to work
It can never be said often enough that we are more than our job. We have family, friends, hobbies and other things that equally or better define who we are than what we do for a living. Even for those whose work is their life calling, it isn’t, or shouldn’t be, the only thing in their life. And while employees shouldn’t bring their work home with them, bringing a bit of home into work can make an unpleasant job more bearable.
Family photos, mementos of glory days or other non-work related awards are a common example. Hobbies can also work. An amateur wood worker might use a pen holder or nameplate he or she made. Someone with a green thumb and a garden might bring a plant or two. Keeping memorabilia related to a favorite fandom is a good choice as well. Books are another great choice and can give others some insight into who you are by what you choose to read.