9 Ways to Prepare for A Natural Disaster!
3) Identify Warnings and Evacuation Routes
When it comes to natural disasters, sirens are generally very inefficient unless you live in an area where storm sirens are essential. These days alerts sent to smart phones are the quickest way to learn of impending danger. However, power outages can knock out cell towers making your smart phone all but useless. For a reasonable price you can purchase a storm radio, which can tune to many emergency channels including N.O.A.A. (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration) for accurate up to the minute information. Know where you’re going if you have to evacuate and map every route possible to get there. Always have a back up plan such as trains or ferries if you can’t get out by car. The most important thing is to be prepared in any event. Being unprepared is how people end up in dire situations.
4) Use Waterproof LED Lights

In case there is no electricity then battery operated lights are very important. This will not only keep your hands free to assist others but will also help you work even if you are exposed to water. They are also more durable, shock resistant, and consume a very small amount of energy. These will allow you to see more clearly without blinding you. Halogen lanterns are also a great way to light up in the event of power outages. Although they are more efficient that regular lanterns, always be sure to have plenty of batteries on hand, you never know just how bad a storm is going to be until it hits. Candles and oil lamps should only be used as a last resort. And most importantly, never run a generator indoors. Many people who survive a storm end up dying of carbon monoxide poisoning by doing this.