9 Ways to Retire Early on Less Money
5) Live on a Boat
Many people dream of packing up their house and sailing off into the sunset. You may think that living on a boat will cost you a pretty penny, but it can actually be very affordable. For example, Think Advisor interviewed a retired couple who live on a boat. They say that high-quality boats can be found for as little as $89,000, and overall, they spend $1,000 to $1,500 a month. Think Advisor says it’s possible to spend less than $18,000 a year on this luxurious lifestyle. If you like the idea of spending your retirement on a boat, be sure to take a sailing class before you head off on your voyage. These classes will cover basic safety and the skills you’ll need to maintain your boat. Living on a boat is a good option for anyone who loves the idea of spending all their time out in the water.