9 Worst Jobs in the United States
There are plenty of low paying, risky, and hazardous jobs that are necessary to make our society function. Unfortunately, although not surprisingly, many of these jobs are the ones ranked as the worst jobs of 2017. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports on the state of jobs in the U.S. The list is out, and the newest findings may surprise you. These jobs all show a negative growth rate, low compensation, or have stressful or even dangerous work environments. If you’re looking for a profitable and satisfying career path these days, you may want to consider avoiding these fields.
1) Newspaper Reporter
The main duty of a reporter is to inform the public of local, national, and international news and events. Perhaps once perceived as an exciting and even glamorous job, these days reporting positions are being viewed in an increasingly negative light. Reporters are under the stress of meeting deadlines and being the first to break a new story. They must also cope with the pressure that comes from being a community figure, often in the public eye. Recent reports from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show some less than desirable facts. By 2024, news reporting will see a 9% decline in job opportunities. The median salary in 2016 was $38,870. On the flipside, this is a great career for those who can’t stand a tedious desk job. Much of a reporter’s work is done in the field; collecting data, investigating leads, conducting interviews and reporting from the scene.