9 Worst Mistakes People Make Buying a Car
5) Not Thinking About Financing Until You’re at the Dealership
When you’re searching for a new car, you may get focused on finding a car with the right features and forget to think about the financial aspects. You might simply wait until you get the dealership to deal with that part of buying a car. This is a mistake that many people make. To get the best deal, you’ll want to think about financing before you step foot in the dealership. If you wait until you get to the dealership, they may offer you a payment plan with very high interest rates. Before you head out to look at cars, talk to your bank and try to get pre-approved for a car loan. Then, when you’re at the dealership, you can tell the salesperson the interest rate your bank is offering you. You can then see if the dealership will match this rate or even give you a lower rate.