9 Things Only Senior Citizens Get Free
If you are a senior citizen, aged 55 or older, you have probably spent your life working hard. It’s only fair that, at this point, you get some special breaks. You may not be aware that seniors are eligible for many free products and services. You may be quite surprised at what you can get for free. Take advantage of these offers. After all, you’ve earned them!
1) Free Phone Service
Communications technology has improved throughout the years, but the cost of utilizing phone service continues to increase. If you are a low-income senior citizen whose annual income is lower than 135% of the federal poverty level, you may be eligible to receive discounted cell phone or landline phone service. You may actually qualify for service that is 100% subsidized thanks to the Lifeline program, which is sponsored by the government. You can check with Safelink or Access Wireless to see if you qualify for a free wireless phone that has 250 minutes loaded to it each month. If you prefer landline phones, you can check with your local landline phone service provider, such as AT&T or CenturyLink.